"Knight Rider" LED Scanner - Flexible LED Strip Lights - Customer Questions
Frequently Asked Questions by Oznium Customers
Are they avaiable in red
Sorry, no. They have been discontinued.
The technical info says that the double direction you can cut off any section of color - I am not sure what that means. Is it obvious where a section of color starts/ends? How long is each section of color? I need about 8" of a red double direction for a KITT project. - by Matthew (San Diego)
Cut between groups of 5 leds.
OK, on the one way scanning strip can two of them be synchronized. Is the timing the same from strip to strip. Looking to us the cool white only no colors.
No, they do not synchronize.
do you have these led strip lights that operate off of aa batterys - by john (orange county, ca)
You can use 8 x AA batteries to operate this 12V strip.
I would be nice if you could make the dual version slower, about half the current speed. that would make them great for cal alarms then. Any Plans? - by Albert (United States)
We would be happy to modify the strip for your needs if you can order 100.
Is there a way i could control it to were the leds stay lit or scan when i want? also if i was to get the RGB is there a way i can control the colors? say perhaps a control of some sort from here or else where.
Sorry, no way to control the color or anything else. Built in controller.
can you make them with INFRA-RED LEDs ? - by Gus (Maryland)
Yes. How many do you need? What will you be using then for?
I wish there were an amber single direction for front turn signal use on my truck. Only other solution I could think of is buy the white version and maybe tint with an orange magic marker. - by Jer (BFE CA)
Amber is hard to get, you can put it behind a amber colored plastic or use the flexible led strips in amber: https://www.oznium.com/flexible-led-strips/led-flex-strips
Can these be encased in a clear epoxy, like under a layer of countertop epoxy?
is the tri chip led sequential do i need a resistor in linew ur leds - by Frankmazzarella (Fort Lauderdale, FL)
Tri-chip is not sequential on the scanning strip. No resistor is needed, already has one.
ive bought this product before to install into my 3rd brake light and it worked for about a day then it stopped and i got it replaced and it happened about three times actually, i dont know what is going on and i want to purchase another one but dont know if its worth it. help me out! - by Josh (Kenosha)
Please call Customer Service at 800-245-8131.
I noticed Double Direction Amber is not an option. Is this something that will be available down the road? - by Sam (Clinton, NJ)
Can i buy this with a white background?
Yes, if you order 100 pieces, we'll be happy to custom make some with a white background.
do you guys sell these over 13 inch say like 3-4feet?
We do not.
I am wanting to put these on an atv. how easy would it be to install? and do i need a switch or anything to turn then on? - by Addam (Illinois)
Pretty easy. You can use a switch to turn them on and off if you want. It all depends on how you hook it all up.
How consistent is the scan time from one strip to the other? In the videos I saw that different colors seem scroll through the pattern faster than the others. I was just hoping that if I bought 3 ambers that they would all stay synchronized and always scan at the same rate.
Even though the scan time is consistent, they will not stay in sync.
Can I get a wiring diagram of how the single direction strips are made? I want to see if theres anything I can do to adjust the timing. - by Taylor (United States)
Virtually impossible to adjust the timing, since its all built into a tiny IC.
how long is each scanning strip? - by jon
About 13 inches long

can u connect it 2 alarm
Since I like to cut things, The led's I cut off, am I able to wire them up where I'd be able to use them still? - by Jordan (Kenosha, WI)
Good question, but unfortunately no, you can't re-use the cut portion.
Why? Because there's a tiny IC (essentially a controller) at the base of the LED strip, right where the power wire goes in. Without that IC, the strip doesn't work.

Why? Because there's a tiny IC (essentially a controller) at the base of the LED strip, right where the power wire goes in. Without that IC, the strip doesn't work.

I want to mount these on the outside of my car so willl they last long being that they will be getting wet by thr rain? - by Robert (Sturgis, Ky)
Their longevity has not been tested under such conditions. It depends how extreme the rain is, how often they are exposed, etc. If you're concerned about the durability and need to mount them on the outside of the car, you could always try sealing them inside something. For example, a waterproof tube, etc.
This may be a stupid question, but me and my friend would like to place this on a helmet. Are these portable and are there a lot of wires that go with it? - by Jordan
There are just two small wires coming off the end, which are less than a foot long.
Sure, portable. Just need to hook it up to a portable 12 volt battery.
Sure, portable. Just need to hook it up to a portable 12 volt battery.
This is a strange question but for the single direction 1 foot strip, how long must voltage be applied for the light to make 1 cycle (from end to end)? - by Taylor (Winter Park, FL)
About 360 ms
Is there a way to tie them together to make a strip longer the a foot? - by Jeremy (Colorado)
Not at this time, I'm sorry.
I just bought this and it hasn't gotten here yet but I just want to know if this scanning strip is waterproof - by Brandon (Stone Mountain, GA)
We call it "splash-proof", but if fully submerged, it probably wouldn't last as long as if it were in a dry location.
I have an Autopage RS-915 Alarm System. Could I tie this scanner into the warning LED to led me know that my vehicle is armed? - by Tyler (Minneapolis)
can these be cut in sections or in half like the regular led strips... - by Darnell
Yes, you're welcome to cut it. Probably between every 5th LED.
In the video on the page, around the 3:04 mark, you can actually see it being cut.
In the video on the page, around the 3:04 mark, you can actually see it being cut.
Is there any way to control the speed of the flash rate on these strips? - by Mike
No. There's only 2 wires, a positive and negative, this the strip is either completely OFF when power is removed. Or when power is applied, the LED scan.
Are these waterproof? - by Robert (Sturgis, Ky)
These are water resistant, so you'd probably be OK if water simply splashed onto them. But if you intend to fully submerge them, they probably wouldn't last too long.
You're welcome to waterproof them though, either by applying a generous amount of silicone, or putting them inside some sort of casing.
You're welcome to waterproof them though, either by applying a generous amount of silicone, or putting them inside some sort of casing.
Okay I am SUPER interested in these and have been looking for this type of product FOREVER! butt... is there anyway you could make these in a flexible strip style? - by Dustin (United States)
These are flexible, but if you mean like the same style as the Flexible LED Strips we offer... Its not too easy to do that. We could, but there would need to be enough demand for it.