Using drill bits as a cutting tool can create round holes for installation of many LEDs.
Simply connect to a drill, rotate and twist to create a circular cross-section with different dimensions.
4 sizes drill bits are available:
Hole Saw Drill
Hole Saw can drill on stainless steel, and provide two sizes for you
16mm / 19mm
Step Drill Bits are shaped like a cone and are comprised of multiple sizes, or steps, in a single package.
It conveniently offers you the ability to drill different hole sizes in increments of 3mm to 13mm, and 4mm to 20mm.
When you need more than one diameter, Step Drill Bits can save time and expense in many cases over a conventional drill bit.
Size 3-13mm (11 Steps:3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13MM)
Size 4-20mm(8 Steps : 4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20MM)
It can handle repetitive drilling in wood, plastic, and light metals (Drills aluminum OK. But sorry, won't drill stainless steel.)
Different bit sizes for different products:
- Flush Mount LED bolt, 6mm
- Aluminum LED Indicator
- Flush Mount LED bolt, 11mm
- Flush Mount LED bolt, 16mm
- Anti-vandal LED switch, 16mm
- LED dot switch
-Anti-vandal LED Switch,25mm